How do babies evaluate people?

Did you miss our second Wonder Kids talk with Dr. Kiley Hamlin? Learn more about how babies evaluate people’s actions and interactions in Dr. Hamlin’s talk below.

Date & Time:

Saturday, February 20th, 2021 | 1:00pm PST


Dr. Kiley Hamlin, Professor & Canada Research Chair


How do babies evaluate people?


Babies’ worlds are filled with different kinds of people, who engage in all sorts of different behaviours. How and when are babies capable of understanding how people act and interact? This talk will highlight some key research findings from the Centre for Infant Cognition, suggesting that from just a few months of age babies track and understand simple helpful and harmful interactions, react more positively to helpful acts than to harmful ones, and prefer helpful over harmful actors. This early-developing tendency to evaluate the sociomoral world may provide a foundation on which later moral development builds.